In InterMed we are pharmacists and we commit to offering reliable solutions for the health and beauty of your skin. Our main goal is to acknowledge the different needs of your skin and meet them.
Taking good care of your skin and treating skin issues is important, because it is the first defense of the human body against external threats and reflects our general health. We acknowledge the variety of skin types and the conditions that could lead to a disorder of skin’s functions, and we provide targeted solutions through high performance formulas.
Skin issues such as redness, tightness, dryness, wrinkles, and dull face, could be resolved. We provide solutions even for emergency situations that need SOS treatment, such as pimples, mild thermal burns and irritations.
The Skin Pharmacist, which is developed and produced in the pharmaceutical laboratories of InterMed, with the innovative technology InterTech*, offers an effective solution to every skin issue!
*The InterTech technology constitutes the guarantee of quality and effectiveness of the InterMed products, as it informs promptly and clearly the consumer for all the technology that has been used for the development of those products. The quality stamp of InterTech proves the expertise and research which are integrated in every single product separately, emphasizing the letters of the word TECH, respectively. Every product can integrate one or more technologies ensuring the maximum effectiveness.